Resume profile for Jozeg Grego
Work preferences / Pracovné preferencie:
Preferred positions / Preferované pozície:
Biotech Inovation management
Preferred job area / Preferovaná pracovná oblasť:
Výroba, inžiniering, údržba
Veda, výskum, vzdelávanie
Bezpečnosť a ochrana
Additional info / Doplňujúce informácie:
Skills Base
- Familiar with laboratory management and design
- Project management from R&D toa viable large scale economical production).
- Experiences with multiple fermentative technologies for production of amino acids, vitamins, food additives, nucleosides, glycolipids, fatty acids, enzymes, proteins, probiotics, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics substances, food and Pharma products, whole cell biocatalysts, recombinant proteins, plant protection agens, biodetergents, biomonomers, biofibres and other bio- based products in laboratory, pilot scale and industrial production.
- Experiences in fermentative process transfer, in scale up and implementation of new advanced technologies including industrial inokula preparation and fermentative production.
- Technology and cost optimising of industrial fermentative and downstream processes
- CMO business of a large variety of fermentative bioproducts.
- Evaluations of new technology potential and target costing for future CMO.
- Analytics of bio molecules and in process control of fermentation and downstream
- Bio-safety and GMO regulatory management, participation on Slovak GMO act creation and its novel preparation and implementation.
- Risk assessments of GMO handling in a contained use, co-author ofGuideline to GMO risk assessments released by Slovak Environmental Ministry, Department of Biosafety
- Member of National Biosafety Committee as an advisory board of Ministry of Environment.
- Registrations of new fermentation and downstream plants for contained use of GMO S1 according to the Slovak and EU legislation.
- Risk assessments of new projects (HACCP, HAZOP, FMEA, What If .etc.)
- Environmental Impact Assessments of new biotech projects.
- Chemical safety and REACH regulation incl. Strictly controlled conditions management
- CDMO enquiry evaluations
- CDMO project management
- Ecology- groundwater pollution and biodiversity studies.
- Malacolozoology and speleobiology
- Speleology and karst hydrology
- Language skills: Slovak/Czech, English, Russian, Hungarian, passively Polish, Croatian, German
- IT: MS Office, Lotus Notes, MS project, Statiscica, Visio, SAP, Mastercontroll, TrackWise. ISOpack